Thursday, December 11, 2014


OBJECTIVE: to determine tablet friability


Friability is the tendency for a tablet to chip, crumble or break following compression. This tendency is normally confined to uncoated tablets and surfaces during handling or subsequent storage. It can be caused by a number of factors including poor tablet design (too sharp edges), low moisture content, insufficient binder, etc. Tablets must be able to withstand mechanical stresses during their manufacturing, distribution and handling by the end-user. Friability is a measure of the resistance of the tablets to shipping and abrasion by tumbling them in a rotating drum. After tumbling, the integrity of the tablets and the weight loss are evaluated. Tablet hardness testing is also called tablet breaking force testing. For this test the tablets are placed between two plates. One of the plates moves in order to damage the tablet. The breaking force is the force required to break or damage the tablets in a specific plane. Tablet breaking force measurement is frequently used as an alternative to compression force measurement. This is an essential quality control parameter since compression influences many tablet properties including disintegration, dissolution and friability.

For obvious reasons, tablets need to be hard enough such that they do not break up in the bottle but friable enough that they disintegrate in the gastrointestinal tract.


Apparatus and materials:

Methyldopa tablets 250mg
Friability tester
Electronic balance


1.      10 tablets was selected and being weighed.
2.      All tablets was put into the drum of the tablets abration  and friability tester. The rate of rotation was set at 25 rpm, in 10 minutes and the operation was started.
3.      At the end of the operation, all the tablets were removed and ensured the freedom from dust or powder (use the brush). The tablets was reweighed and the percentage of weight loss was determined.
4.      Compressed tablet should nor lose more than 1% of its weight.


Drug’s name: Methyldopa tablet 250 mg

Initial weight (g)
3.5262 g
Final weight (g)
3.5086 g
Total weight loss (g)
0.0176 g


From the result, there are slightly loss of weight after tablets inserted into the drum of the tablets abration  and friability tester. Sample complies if loss of weight is less than 1.0 % and sample fails if there are tablets cracks, cleaved or broken. This shows that the tablets may be perfectly coated and hard enough and can withstand mechanical stressed that put on it.


From the experiment, we can conclude that the tablet is a success and test of friability as the weight loss is less than 1.0 %. Low friability can be caused by a number of factors including poor tablet design (too sharp edges), low moisture content, insufficient binder, etc. Tablets must be able to withstand mechanical stresses during their manufacturing, and distribution so that they are hard enough and not easily breaks.


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